How to Develop Your Own Multi-Service App Like Gojek?

How to Develop Your Own Multi-Service App Like Gojek?

Today, apps have become an integral part of people’s lives in this highly advancing world. They utilize various sorts of applications for different purposes. 

Gradually, with passing time, the penetration of these solutions has become so intense that preference for conventional businesses slowed down among users, as they can fulfil every requirement easily.

So, startup owners are excited to adopt the digital paradigm, as there are many supporting reasons for entrepreneurs to switch to online business by creating applications. As per the current trend, it’s advisable for them to establish an online multi-service venture by creating super apps.

When it comes to super apps, Gojek is the only victor of the multi-service segment. It’s an organization that operates its business in Southeast Asia and has centred prodigious user demands. 

The firm received 190 million installs, according to statistics for 2022. Hence, if you are provoked to get a Gojek-similar application after witnessing such demands among people, here are some steps and the perks of developing an app like Gojek. 

Steps For Creating Gojek Like Multi-Service Platform

To get a perfect match solution like Gojek, it is imperative for you to follow certain steps. They are discussed below and will assist you in creating an immaculate app for your enterprise:

Identify Your Requirements

It is pivotal to figure out your venture needs when building a Gojek-similar platform. It includes studying the existent multi-service sector by recognizing your rivals, exploring the numerous features offered by them, knowing the specific issues people face while accessing their solutions, identifying top players, etc. 

competitors analysis

Credit: Semrush

Researching the market by such elements will assist you in getting an idea of your enterprise requirements.

Select The Platform

Now, when your venture needs are sorted, you must choose a particular language for development. It can be selected by considering the applications made using a specific platform, analyzing the security risks associated with each language, maintenance aspect, and most preferred apps among people using the particular tech stack. 

mobile app development

Credit: Rishabh Software

By keeping in mind all those aspects, you can determine the technology for creating a Gojek-similar solution from an IT firm.

Determine Attributes

First, list all the specifications you have observed so far. Then filter out those which are different from other apps and seem to be valuable for users. When they are sorted by such aspect, you need to make sure whether they can be implemented by utilizing the pre-decided tech stack or not. 

Besides this, you can also equip your platform with solving the issues faced by people while using other solutions. It will help your business stand out and get on a high roll soon.

Set Your Budget

Once the attributes are finalized to be armed on a platform like Gojek using a particular tech stack, you need to note the several providers delivering such apps. Analyze their pricing for creating a Gojek-like app using a specific language. You will receive a rough idea of the costs and able to set the budget accordingly.

Planning budget

Create a Gojek Like Platform From Specific Firm

Seal the deal with a particular technology partner to develop an app like Gojek, which possesses good client reviews and has a large team of experts and skilled programmers capable of satisfying your set par as per the above steps. 

In addition, discuss the timeline of receiving a solution ready and the duration of complimentary post-launch support to be provided by them.

Test It

Although the platform is being rigorously tested by an IT company, you should check it again from your side. It can be done by giving false inputs, running a specific functionality in different scenarios, and performing numerous processes possible.

latest security bg

In addition, testing is essential because it will help you detect several bugs and expose technical glitches left unsolved by a firm. Upon receiving a functioning Gojek-like multi-service solution, you can proceed further toward launching it in an application store.

How Creating Gojek-Like Solutions Turns Out Beneficial For Entrepreneurs?

As a business owner, you will only be convinced to make a Gojek-similar platform if it benefits your venture in certain ways. There are numerous perks that enterprises gain by operating a multi-service trade from a Gojek clone, and they are stated below:

Revenue Boost

Compared to offering an individual service to users by running a venture traditionally, serving a wide spectrum of facilities at a time would evidently make your business profitable considerably.

Furthermore, it’s comprised of diversified revenue channels that help you generate considerable income by charging a specific amount from every stakeholder.

boost revenue

Credit: AdroitBI

Enhanced Marketing

For conventional businesses, there are limited ways to promote an enterprise which sometimes proves to be inefficient in attracting new users. Through a platform similar to Gojek, massive scopes to market a venture open up, such as referral codes, which is hardly possible in a trade with a traditional approach. 

Besides this, in many other aspects, it makes the marketing efforts better of your enterprise and contribute to making it a bigger brand.

Also Read: Perks of Digital Marketing That Raises Your Venture

Improvised Consumer Service

With ease in management, you can spend more time focusing on serving customers with finer services through quicker deliveries, easy cancellations, and much more. 

Improving the serviceability to users enrolled in a solution similar to Gojek would likely attract a larger customer base and can effectively be retained. It will lead to gaining you greater conversions in the near future. 

customer service

Credit: CommBox

Summing Up

Due to the terrific demand for Gojek among people, if you are enticed to receive its similar solution, then getting it created would prove to be a smart move for your business. 

The steps and advantages of developing a mobile app like Gojek are discussed here. Reading them will surely give you sufficient guidance and clarity regarding building a Gojek-similar application for your venture.

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Meet VeecoTech Team sharing cutting-edge insights on web design, ecommerce, SEO, and mobile apps. We’re passionate about empowering businesses with digital success. Join us on this exciting journey towards online excellence.

2023-09-14T18:03:13+08:00May 2nd, 2023|Software development, Mobile Apps|

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