9 Epic Link-Building Case Studies You Can’t Afford to Miss

9 Epic Link-Building Case Studies You Can’t Afford to Miss

Ever wondered how some websites attract a massive flood of traffic while others conquer conversions like a pro?

Well, it’s not all about a massive PR budget, media buying or sponsor ads on Forbes.

All you need is to learn the tactics from successful link-building case studies.

are you sure 5bef2c

Here’s what happens to one of our client’s niche websites within 3 months after a deep study of a few handpicked link-building case studies:

website impression improvement after link building

In each case study, I will share 9 epic link-building case studies and:

  • Make a summary of what the SEO professionals have done
  • The results
  • Key takeaways

This is your golden ticket if you want to elevate your website’s visibility and conquer the digital realm.

Without further ado, let’s dive into these incredible link-building case studies!

How VeecoTech Helps a Custom PC Builder Grow 1,063% Organic Traffic in 3 Months

screenshot of search console

Due to NDA, we must withhold our client’s name, but they have permitted us to share their astounding results.

Initially operating on a multivendor platform, our client sought to diversify their income stream and launched their website. Yet, in an intensely competitive market, standing out proved challenging.

Our client embraced our SEO service after in-depth consultations, even with a limited budget.

Witness the tangible impact of our link-building campaign through this screenshot of average keyword ranking improvement:

Average keyword ranking improvement

What We Did?

  • Understanding the Client: We delved deep into our client’s business, meticulously studying their products/services and website structure. This foundation of knowledge enabled us to tailor our strategy for maximum impact.
  • Site Audit and On-Page Optimization: Before embarking on the link-building journey, we conducted a comprehensive site audit, identifying areas for improvement. Implementing on-page optimization tactics laid the groundwork for an enhanced online presence.
  • Strategic Link-Building Research: Armed with insights from our client’s niche, we embarked on thorough link-building research. Every step was carefully planned to ensure optimal outcomes.
  • Link Prospecting, Vetting and Outreach: Our team diligently scrutinized potential link prospects, ensuring they met the highest standards of relevance and authority. Quality links were paramount to our strategy.

The Results?

We have helped them rank for 50+ high buying intent keywords with an average of 700+ monthly search volume, and these keywords have medium to high keyword difficulty. Here are some of the organic ranking keywords:

rank for many high buying intent keywords

And the organic search traffic is improved by 1062.9%:

screenshot of website organic growth

Besides, we managed to obtain several links from websites with an average Domain Rating (DR) of 40 according to Ahrefs with monthly organic traffic of 8.0K.

While the traffic growth is not that huge as we’re focusing on bottom-of-the-funnel (BOFU) keywords, we manage to help the client to get 41 more conversions (1950%) in just 2 months!

pc builder GA conversion screenshot

Key Takeaways

While link building can involve substantial costs (as demonstrated in the case studies below!), achieving fruitful results is possible with the right techniques. Thorough research and strategic planning are fundamental prerequisites for cost-effective link-building success.

On the other hand, target as many BOFU keywords as possible as these is the keywords that drive sales and conversions. Look for high-buying intent keywords in your niche and prioritize them first. Always remember this equation: “High organic traffic ≠ High Conversions”.

Besides, the link-building method you choose is also crucial. Beware of vendors promising a flood of 100 backlinks per month, as this could raise red flags with search engines like Google. Organic, natural link growth is key to sustainable success.

If you aspire to replicate or surpass the remarkable link-building results showcased in these case studies, contact us today! Our team is here to help you achieve unparalleled growth for your website.

In a landscape dominated by giants like monday.com, Asana, and Trello, ClickUp’s rise to prominence is no accident.

With a compact team and a determination to avoid futile link-building endeavours, they’ve harnessed the power of Surround Sound Link Building.

In an era where manual outreach struggles to scale and traditional metrics miss vital business impact, ClickUp’s strategy goes beyond referral traffic, unveiling hidden benefits like brand visibility, direct traffic, and unmatched impressions.

What Did The Team Do?

Mason Yu, a senior SEO Specialist at Clickup, shared an amazing story about how their team effectively uses Surround Sound SEO. They’ve secured placement in 100+ articles that attract people interested in making purchases (which are BOFU content).

Before we delve into the strategy, let me explain a bit about what Surround Sound means. It’s a concept derived from “Surround Sound Marketing,” a term introduced by HubSpot.

This approach emphasizes the importance of showing up on many top-ranking pages instead of just focusing on your website’s ranking.

The goal of this strategy is to make your brand more visible. It ensures that your business is linked with the right keywords across high-ranking pages, even if they aren’t on your website.

This involves targeting platforms where customers make purchasing decisions and ensuring your presence is strong on those platforms.

So what did they do?

First, they find all their high buying intent keywords using Google Search Console and filter out irrelevant, low impression, and close variants keywords, of which they have 900+ keywords.

clickup high buying intent keywords

Then, they use Surround Sound from Semrush to find their keywords with great visibility and potential traffic visibility.

clickup visibility using surround sound

Since the tool helps them to aggregate all the opportunities by traffic for each domain, it helps them to identify potential sites to contact effectively.

For example, by using “Pages” in the above screenshot, we can see that there are 52 more opportunities for links from HubSpot. (Note: You can use email-finding tools to find the right email if you don’t have any partnership with these sites)

clickup and hubspot potential partnership opportunity


Managed to secure over 100 articles within a year. Here’s a screenshot shared by Mason in 2022.

screenshot from Clickup

Due to my curiosity about their results in 2023, I did a quick research.

When I searched for the keyword “workflow app” (average 2.5K search volume), I found that Clickup’s blog is ranked first:

serp result for the keyword workflow app

Although the roundup list on position 2 didn’t mention Clickup, the websites on position 3 and 4 did mention it…

serp result for the keyword workflow app

Time Camp (previously Hey.Space) featured Clickup in its article.

timecamp article featured clickup

The same goes for Friday.app (Friday app is actually the sister site of Clickup!)

friday app featured clickup in the article

Besides, Clickup’s visibility for the “alternative” terms also improved. For example, ClickUp’s visibility for “Jira alternatives” increased 17% after being featured on partner sites and as its article began ranking higher.

clickup alternative blog post improvement after link building

And if there are an estimated 2,150 new organic views for these six keywords, assuming a 2.8% conversion rate, there is an estimate of 60 additional product sign-ups per month due to better visibility (imagine if it’s ranking for thousands of other keywords!)

Key Takeaway

Being ranked first is fantastic, but being present everywhere is even better. 😉

In the era where 95% of people read reviews before they make a purchase, Surround Sound’s link-building strategy becomes crucial in helping you to get more conversions.

While it’s important for your site to rank high on Google, don’t forget those indirect competitors that ranked for various high buying intent keywords that could help you to build more visibility and trust.

Once you discover those potential partners, find a way to build a relationship with these 3rd party platforms. It can be providing a special discount or superb quality content that is helpful to their target audience.

You probably heard of many SEO gurus who shared their experience using visual assets to build backlinks.

However, out of various link-building case studies I have read, I found that Nicholas and his team are among the best agencies using content assets like infographics to build backlinks.

What Did He Do?

Nicholas explained what his team had done in this article. Here’s a summary for you:

  • Determine the main objective: Infographic not only helps to reduce long-term cost per link compared to guest posting, but it also has long-term value as people are more likely to share and link visuals.
  • Understand your target audience: Nicolas showed the process of finding the interests or pain points of the target audience.
  • Use the research insight to design an infographic: Once you have understood the needs of your target audience, craft a remarkable infographic with insightful solutions. You can seek help from a professional graphic designer if you aren’t good at design.
  • Write attractive supporting content: Nicholas provides several ways to make your page with an infographic stand out, such as writing a catchy intro and suggesting a unique perspective.
  • Conduct outreach: He used Google Search Operators and SEO tools to find opportunities and used email lookup services to reach his target prospects

The Results?

The team used this awesome method to help their client, IRC Solutions, obtain more than 1.3K backlinks. You can refer to this page for the infographic.

backlinks of IRC sales solutions post

They also use the same link-building method to get 227 backlinks for their infographic.

screenshot of backlinks of infographic link building

Key Takeaways

Infographic link-building is definitely a brilliant way to earn backlinks passively in the long term. Research by Semrush shows that 38% of content marketers struggle to create more content faster and find resources (i.e., visuals) for content creation.

Hence, there’s always an opportunity for you to enhance your website visibility and authority if you can create insightful infographics and use them as a link-building technique.

Check out another great guide on Guestographics if you want to try this technique.

How Brian Dean Uses Skyscraper Technique to Increase 110% Search Traffic Within 14 Days

Well, almost every people that know SEO know who’s Brian Dean.

And one of his famous link building is Skyscraper Technique. Notice how many tweets just for this post:

screenshot of brian dean skyscraper technique post

What Did He Do?

Brian shared his 3-steps approach to conducting Skyscraper Technique:

  • Find link-worthy content: Use SEO tools to find out which content generates tons of backlinks
  • Create content better than your top-ranking competitors: More up-to-date, better design, more thorough
  • Reach out to the right people to promote your content: Brian suggests reaching out to those that link to your competitor’s content or similar content in your niche.

The Results?

Not only that the number of backlinks on that page increases unstoppably…

backlinks of backlinko article

it also helps Backlinko to generate 2X organic search traffic to his website (not to that page) within 14 days!

screenshot of google analytics of backlinko skyscraper technique

Key Takeaways

Skyscraper technique is a clever trick to get more links for your website. You can make this technique even more powerful by focusing on keywords that show people are ready to buy (BOFU keywords). This can help you get more people actually to buy from your site.

Even though it can really help your website get more visitors and links, it also takes a lot of time to research and create the content, especially if your business area has lots of competition.

That’s why it’s best to think of this technique as a backup plan, not your main way of getting links.

wyzowl marketing stats

What Did the Team Do?

The founder, Matt Byrom, shared the story of how a small video marketing agency in the UK earned backlinks and traffic from giant websites like Forbes, HubSpot, NextWeb, etc.

Here’s the summary of what the team has done:

  • Conduct a survey: If you manage to find a topic that people regularly blog about and there’s a space for your data (i.e., existing data in your niche is outdated), then your data has a higher opportunity to get references
  • Create a results page: Create a page and share your finding results there so that it’s easier for people to link to and share on social media
  • Create a downloadable: Use a downloadable PDF report as a starting point for a further conversation which could ultimately lead to a sale.
  • Guest Posts: Find high-authority sites in the niche for guest posting and share the data there.
  • Use data in their works: Integrate your study results and your opinion in the guest post. This will help to build up your brand and make yourself a thought leader within your niche.
  • Promote your results: One common mistake that people has is waiting for people to find your study and link to it. Kickstart the initial promotion and let the network effects help you to grow.

The Results?

A massive flood of backlinks and traffic! 😱 And there are 73 new backlinks just within a day.

screenshot of wyzowl backlinks

And this page alone ranks for 2,279 organic keywords after the 2023 data update.

wyzowl organic ranking keywords on Feb 2023

Most importantly, it builds the branding of Wyzowl as one of the thought leaders in the video production industry.

Key Takeaways

Original research and studies are among the best content asset link-building methods. You can publish any study and research related to your niche on your website.

A study conducted by Siege Media founds that passive link-building (i.e., creating linkable assets) has better ROI than manual link-building.

roi of manual vs passive link building chart

If you cannot conduct research, search for outdated data in your niche and create a new list of the latest data as people always seek the latest trend.

You can also combine it with infographics, GIFographics or videos if you find that your competitors are not doing it.

How Julian Goldie Uses HARO to Grow a SaaS Website from 0 to 145,000 Visitors

Ever wished you could grab links from big-shot websites like Forbes, Business Insider, and Healthline?

Julian Goldie, an SEO expert from the UK who has helped numerous companies with their SEO, shared a fascinating off-page case study.

In this study, he zeroes in on a method called Help a Reporter Out (HARO) that was used to skyrocket the traffic for his client, Signaturely, from nothing to something extraordinary!

What Did He Do?

Julian’s team put HARO front and centre in their link-building strategy. In simple terms, HARO involves assisting reporters by providing expert insights or answers to their questions.

The Results?

Julian successfully grew the website to around 150K monthly organic traffic and ranked over 12K keywords within 6 months.

screenshot of saas website on ahrefs

And one of the client’s websites got a link from Forbes without paying a single cent!

get a link from Forbes

Key Takeaway

HARO might just be your golden ticket if you’ve ever wished for links from big-name sites like Forbes, HuffPost, Yahoo, or Entrepreneur without shelling out a single penny.

While HARO is awesome, it’s not the best main method to use. It’s tough to make it big with this alone, and most reporters want answers from experts in the field.

In my experience, these sites usually link to your homepage, not your money-making or service page. So, while it’s super for getting your website noticed and boosting your homepage’s reputation, it might not be your go-to if you want a top spot for your money page.

To score links through HARO, you need to be really quick and give a smart reply to the reporter’s question. Usually, you only have 3-5 days to do this.

Check out Julian’s video for a great guide on nabbing HARO links:

How Chris Tzitzis 111X Traffic for His Client’s Website within 4 Months

Chris Tzitzis, the co-founder of SirlinksAlot, shared an amazing case study about helping a highly competitive niche site to rank on the first Google SERP result.

Here’s a screenshot of the sites that ranked on the first page.

screenshot of serp competition of a competitive niche

From the SERP competition above, the top 5 sites have very high DR scores, organic traffic and referring domains.

What Did He Do?

Chris shared many details in his case study but here’s a summary for you:

Before Chris built backlinks, he thoroughly analysed the website, including its on-page results and backlinks profile.

He then starts building foundational links such as links from social media, a few guest posts and niche edits (contextual links) based on the budget provided by clients

Due to the improvement in SERP results, the client has increased the budget. In month 2, his team helped the client to get several links from guest posts and niche edits with various DR scores.

In month 3, link-building became more aggressive as most of the keywords were already on page 2. He added a few higher-authority contextual links and PBN links to push the ranking further.

Although the traffic grew by 30% compared to the previous month, many of their keywords ranking are still on page 2. To close the authority gap, he helped the client to get 6 new guest post links and 18 niche edits from high DR sites.

In the fourth month, the main keyword was ranked #1.

The Results?

A 2000% increase in organic traffic due to the site’s main keyword had jumped from #7 to #1 overnight!

screenshot of increase in organic traffic after 4 months link building

Key Takeaways

Maintaining a steady effort in link-building is super important if you want your website’s traffic and credibility to grow. That’s why researching and planning your link-building strategy smartly is a big deal, as it takes a lot of resources like money and time.

Remember, mixing up the types of links and the anchor texts you use in them is a smart move to keep things natural. Avoid sticking to only one method or using the exact same words for every new link you aim for.

If you’re finding it a bit tricky to find just the right links for your website, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to lend a hand in managing your link-building campaign.

uSERP is a widely recognized link-building agency that supports renowned global brands like Copy AI with their link-building efforts.

Among the array of over 10 case studies they’ve provided, I find the Simplified case study particularly captivating, especially in the current era where AI tools are on the rise.

What Did the Team Do?

Simplified wanted to improve the visibility of its AI Writer page. It did well on technical and on-page optimisation but had challenges in getting high-quality backlinks.

uSERP has helped it to:

  • Research for niche-relevant yet high-authority sites
  • Email outreach and pitch them the articles that would benefit their audiences
  • Create high-quality content and send them to the sites
  • Add relevant anchor texts to the content

The Results?

In a mere three months, this page’s rankings skyrocketed from 82 keywords in the top 10 to an impressive 127. Furthermore, the number of referring domains saw a remarkable increase of 1,000, while the organic keywords surged to an astonishing 43.2K.

domain analytics of Simplified website on Ahrefs

Simplified also ranks for super competitive, high search volume keywords like “AI Writer” (average of 104K monthly search volume)

keyword difficulty of ai writer

Notice that they are ranked #2:

serp screenshot of keyword

Key Takeaways

The more competitive the keyword is, the more high-quality backlinks you need to rank firmly on the first page of SERP.

However, acquiring high-quality backlinks is difficult as these websites receive numerous guest posting and content contribution requests.

So, how can you enhance your chances of capturing their attention?

One potent strategy involves creating linkable assets, such as original research pieces, closely aligned with your niche, or tools that your target audience actively seeks.

For instance, take Simplified, which offers free tool versions without any credit card obligations. This strategic move allowed them to ascend the rankings for these keywords, reaping a windfall of highly intent-driven traffic—primed for conversion 😱

Simplified rank for various keywords with the word

Alternatively, you can provide your audience with complimentary tools, particularly if your competitors solely offer paid alternatives.

If coding isn’t your forte, consider outsourcing to reputable agencies or skilled freelancers; this choice can save you substantial time and effort.

How Alejandro Grows His Affiliate Site Traffic to 26K Per Month

Alejandro, CEO of Get Me Links, shared his SEO case study on growing his affiliate site to around 26K monthly organic traffic.

What Did He Do?

Other than usual technical and on-page optimisation, Alejandro uses a hybrid match domain (which is mixed with exact-match domain (EMD) and partial-match domain (PMD) of 2 main keywords in the niche), making it easier to rank faster.

Here’s the pie chart of the link-building tactics he used for his websites:

Get me links case study pie chart

Regarding guest posts, his strategy primarily revolved around securing links from high-authority sites (DR45+ and DR60+).

For keywords that presented an effortless ranking opportunity, he aimed at lower-authority sites (DR30+). Niche edits were predominantly reserved for the project’s homepage.

He skillfully intertwined these with diverse pillow links, including social media, blog comments, and links from platforms like Quora or Reddit, to achieve a natural-looking backlink profile.

One thing to note is that it’s vital to ensure link relevance. Links should exclusively originate from sites or forums that are niche-relevant to safeguard against the acquisition of toxic backlinks.

Given that PBNs and niche-related redirects require an intricate understanding and come with elevated risks, I recommend delving into Alejandro’s detailed explanation for further insights if you seek a deeper understanding of these strategies.

The Results?

Not just a decent amount of organic traffic and organic ranking keywords, but also a great amount of income! 💸

earning after link building by get my links

Key Takeaways

Having an exact-match domain (EMD) or a partial match domain (PMD) brings added advantages to your SERP ranking, as illustrated by the example of the SERP for “AI Writer” above. Therefore, it can be worthwhile if the EMD/PMD is relevant to your business.

Another crucial insight is the continued effectiveness of Private Blog Network (PBN) links in boosting SERP rankings, despite some negative perceptions.

However, it’s important to note that using PBN links can potentially harm your site if you lack SEO expertise, especially when sourcing them from subpar link-building services or marketplaces.

While this case study involves certain “sensitive” tactics, such as grey-hat techniques, its purpose is to showcase the diverse range of SEO strategies that your competitors might be utilizing.

Nevertheless, if you’re new to SEO or prioritise adhering to white-hat practices, you’re encouraged to follow those principles. It’s worth noting that I don’t recommend embracing grey-hat tactics, as algorithm changes can drastically impact your results at any time.


As these case studies illustrate, well-executed link-building can be a game-changer to your business.

I hope you enjoy reading the case studies, and If you’re eager to supercharge your website’s growth, our link-building services are at your disposal.

Psst! I’ll continue to add more to the list. If you have any remarkable link-building case studies to share, don’t hesitate to email us. Stay tuned for even more captivating case studies coming your way!

Thumbnail new

About the Author

Ezra Tan is the SEO Specialist & Content Writer at VeecoTech, a full-fledged SEO service and custom app development agency that empowers 100+ local agencies. He has written on topics such as SEO, web design, and e-commerce. He also loves photography and spends time studying theology.

2024-07-05T12:06:56+08:00March 14th, 2024|SEO & Online Marketing|

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