Use These Proven SEO Strategies to 10X Your Organic Traffic

Use These 10 Proven SEO Strategies to 10X Your Organic Traffic

Picture this: You’ve set up an incredible online business. Your website is ready to take orders, and your products are itching to be shipped. But there’s a problem – the website’s not exactly buzzing with visitors.

This leaves you with the big question: “How do I reach out to potential customers?”

The answer is simple: increase organic traffic to your site!

This increase allows you to climb to the top of users’ search results, gain more clicks to your site, and secure encouraging business growth in the long run.

Blog Management case study by VeecoTech
Read on and discover 10 proven and practical strategies to increase organic traffic to your website!

Why Organic Traffic?

Before we go any further, let’s dive into what is organic traffic and why it’s an essential path for your business.

Organic traffic refers to when web users visit your website through natural or unpaid search engine results. Your website appears as one of the listings on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP), and users click on it to find more information.

Here are the reasons why (besides more customers!) organic traffic is important for your business:

  • Free / Low-cost way to increase traffic. This strategy allows you to rely less on paid traffic or advertising to improve your online visibility.
  • A long-term business strategy. Although it takes time, this strategy will generate leads and revenue for you.
  • Builds brand awareness. This is an essential part of increasing online visibility and making your brand recognisable to users.
  • Builds the credibility and trustworthiness of your brand. Users recognise you as an industry expert, increasing their likelihood of purchasing your product or service in the future.

Curious? Discover more about this topic with our complete guide to Organic Marketing.

10 Effective Strategies to Increase Organic Traffic

Let’s dive into these awesome strategies now!

Prioritise Quality Writing

The best way to increase organic traffic is by creating contentbe it blogs, landing pages, sales pages or FAQs. These content should centre around the specialisation of your business.

For example, a food delivery service would write topics on local cuisine spotlights, food trends, and popular restaurants.

While content writing aims to increase traffic, it’s important to prioritise quality writing and bring value to visitors. Your content must reflect the title of the blog and contain relevant information.

tips to make your content stand out

Metrics such as a higher dwell time and lower bounce rate have been linked to a higher ranking on the SERP. Simply put, a user spending more time on the page may indicate it’s ‘good quality content’ to the search engine.

Great content also aligns with Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines, EEAT (Experience – Expertise – Authoritativeness – Trustworthiness). Although not a direct ranking factor, search raters use this guideline to evaluate Google’s search ranking systems.

Therefore, EEAT serves as a valuable benchmark to assess the quality of your content.

More importantly, these aspects show how engaging your content is to users. Great content will establish authority on the topic, trustworthiness to the users, and the possibility of more conversions on your site.

Publish Content Frequently

An excellent pairing to quality writing is regularly published content. A website that frequently publishes great content (or with a high content velocity) will effectively increase organic traffic.

Publishing content regularly appeals to the freshness factor in search algorithms. Search algorithms prioritise the latest information. Therefore, constantly updating your content signals to the algorithm that your website is an active, relevant, and updated source of information.

how search engines work

Besides, it allows you to benefit from the frequent indexing by search engines. Constantly churning out new content and creating a library of content will lead to search engines crawling your website more frequently.

It also allows you to build an expanded keyword coverage. Having a wide range of content that covers relevant keywords increases the possibility of your website appearing on various search engine results.

One of our clients starts to witness tremendous improvement in organic traffic after they leverage this technique. The organic clicks were increased by 181.4%✨ after they started the blog management service.

organic traffic improvement case study by VeecoTech

Another example is from an SEO case study on LogicInbound, a marketing agency focused on doctor practices. The agency published 100 pages in four months, enabling the agency to progress from 500 to 60,000 visitors a month in 13 months.

SEO case study screenshot

Both results demonstrate that the quantity and quality of your content matter. While most organisations will opt for one more than the other, it’s advisable to prioritise both for consistent growth.

However, bear in mind that generating content quickly can lead to a surge in website traffic, but not all traffic is of equal value. If your goal extends beyond mere traffic volume, you should approach it with care.

Create a Free Tool

One of the most underrated strategies is creating a free tool!

We are familiar with free online tools such as ROI calculators, questionnaire designers, and website analytics tools. These tools can increase your rankings on search engines and generate substantial organic traffic.

Example of gaining traffic from free tool

Source: Grammarly Free Tools Traffic by Ahref

For example, an SEO case study on Grammarly reveals that 13.5% of its traffic goes to free tools, with the bulk taken by the grammar checker and plagiarism checker.

Both tools rank in the top three results on the SERP. The seven free tools featured above receive a total estimated 3 million organic visits per month.

Well, you might think that Grammarly has high domain authority so it’s easy for them to gain a lot of traffic. Does it work for new and niche websites?

Yup, it works too.

traffic improvement chart of ZZZ code AI

For instance, this free AI Excel formula generator from the ZZZ Code AI page alone receives about 900 organic visits per month after being published for around four months (Oct 2023). This free tool ranks in the top five results on the SERP.

These tools also help you get featured on relevant websites. They are linkable assets that enable you to stand out among competitors.

This shows that you can boost organic traffic to your site by identifying a need and creating an in-demand tool. This tool should relate to your services or products to increase the possibility of conversions.

At VeecoTech, we can create these tools for you. We offer in-depth consultancy, attentive project management, and access to up-to-date experts – all dedicated to fulfilling your software development needs. From E-commerce to Logistics and Transportation, we provide solutions across industries.

Software solutions developed by VeecoTech

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Translate High-Performing Content

A great way to reach a wider audience is by translating the high-performing content on your website. A quick analysis of your monthly website traffic will reveal which content gets the most traffic.

By translating this content, you can leverage existing content and produce content that appeals to a new audience. This saves you valuable time and allows you to rank highly among less competitive yet highly searched keywords.

A great example is an SEO case study on localisation by Bahattin Kusaksiz. The project’s main goal was localising a global webshop selling football equipment to Turkish shoppers.

Kusaksiz’s team localised the website pages and product details, and optimised meta titles and descriptions to cater to Turkish shoppers.

Their team also emphasised the safe shopping experience provided by the shop, which was an essential feature for Turkish shoppers.

Case study of localisation

This website experienced a 502% increase in organic traffic within the latest month after localisation. This case study highlights the essence of localisation: understanding your target audience and developing strategies to appeal to that audience.

You can also go further by creating content for another language. One of our clients wants to venture into a new market so that requested our help to create content in the Malay language.

After in-depth topic cluster research and consistent content writing in the Malay language, we managed to improve the organic traffic by 416% compared to the previous 3 months.

SEO case study of traffic improvement in different language by VeecoTech

Collaborate with AI Tools

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years, there are more opportunities to collaborate with AI tools to increase organic traffic.

AI has many uses, from assisting the content writing process to crafting new SEO strategies. Here are a few popular AI tools to include in your strategy:

  • Chatbots – ChatGPT, Perplexity AI, Google Gemini
  • Content Writing – Copy AI, SurferSEO
  • SEO Strategies – Ahref, SEMrush

Chatbots like ChatGPT aid in brainstorming content ideas, while content writing tools like Grammarly and Copy AI refine your writing.

On the other hand, SEO AI tools like SurferSEO and SEMrush complement this process by providing valuable insights for keyword optimisation and crafting SEO-friendly content.

You must investigate search intent and collaborate with relevant AI tools to produce high-quality, tailored content. This enables your site to remain competitive in evolving search engine algorithms.

However, it’s important to note that AI has limitations (at the moment) such as:

  • Lack of creativity: AI tools can write basic content but struggle with original ideas.
  • Missing emotion: AI lacks the ability to convey feelings or tone effectively.
  • Trouble with complexity: AI may not grasp intricate topics like law or finance.
  • Generic content: AI sometimes produces bland, cookie-cutter writing.

Therefore, empowering your team with proper training on utilising these tools is paramount. After all, AI’s function is to assist the team and not replace them. This was elaborated on in detail in this insightful article.

Build a Resource Centre

A resource centre is a virtual library on your web page where all your content is centralised, allowing visitors to browse and find relevant information about your niche.

Creating this hub of resources allows you to establish your brand as an authority on the topic.

This is also a good way of highlighting older content alongside new ones and compiling the variety of media created for your brand. This includes blogs, tools, templates, e-books, and services.

example of resource centre

Besides, it can feature discussion forums and user-generated content, where users may actively engage with one another. A good resource page also has compelling call-to-action buttons, encouraging users to explore more pages and book your services.

As a result, your webpage may become the go-to spot for information about your speciality. A well-structured, user-friendly design encourages users to continue exploring the site for relevant and in-depth information.

This excellent compilation of resources makes the page a link-worthy page that other websites or social media pages may cite (earning valuable backlinks!).

Here’s an example of resource centre from Wix:

Example of resource center

Their blog resource centre is visually appealing and well-organised.

The page features relevant categories such as Top Articles, Website Essentials, and Business Strategies. This demonstrates their niche in website design for businesses and professionals. For more examples, take a look at this detailed article!

Utilise YouTube Videos to Rank Higher

A great way to boost your organic traffic is by starting a YouTube channel. This video marketing approach is a powerful SEO strategy. YouTube videos often appear on the SERP alongside regular website listings, at times dominating the SERP.

For example, a Google search of “review of Samsung S23 Ultra” will feature YouTube results with relevant timestamps. This shows that Google opts for video results for specific keywords.

YouTube videos on Google

Using a multi-media approach increases your chances of appearing at the top of the SERPs. Besides, YouTube videos are more visually appealing to users, and YouTube SEO is easier to rank in compared to regular SEO.

This strategy enhances your brand’s online visibility and helps you to reach your target audience.

An SEO case study on RTINGS reveals the effectiveness of harnessing YouTube. This review and rating website ranked on the first page for various keywords by utilising its website and YouTube channel.

YouTube is also a valuable platform by itself. Each RTINGS video garnered a consistent number of views every month. Additionally, this site boosted engagement with its audience by sharing behind-the-scenes content on its Community tab.

One of the best ways to increase organic traffic is to form a systematic link-building strategy. Link-building refers to getting other websites to link to pages on your website.

This improves organic traffic for two primary reasons:

  • The increase in backlinks establishes the authority and trustworthiness of your website, as assessed by the search engines
  • It directly grows your audience as they discover your content through other articles and blogs.

Here are a few link-building strategies to get you started:

  • Passive link building through unique content that meet search intent (e.g., thought leader, opinion leader pieces)
  • Participate in online and offline communities such as forum, Facebook groups, and Reddit
  • Reach out to other websites in your industry
  • Replicate your competitor’s backlinks
  • Create linkable assets (e.g., tools, infographics) and promote them through every channel
  • Guest posting (More on this in the next point!)

white hat link building techniquesIf you have more budget and want to reach a wider audience, digital PR is a great way to try out.

At VeecoTech, link building is an essential part of our SEO strategy, allowing your website to develop stronger topical authority and brand awareness in your niche. Check out our SEO agency and services to learn more about our SEO.

Leverage High-Traffic Sites

As a natural progression from our previous point, we want to highlight the importance of leveraging high-traffic sites. High-traffic sites are established sites with significant monthly visitors.

Find high-traffic sites in your niche and partner with them.

Make sure the website is relevant to your content and has the potential to reach your target audience. This strategy includes Guest Posting, where you offer to be a guest writer on their website.

It’s a win-win situation: the website receives new content to feature on their site, while you can feature your content (with a link to your website!). Both parties gain access to one another’s audience, promising an increase in organic traffic.

This includes setting campaign goals, building a prospect list, creating an email template to contact prospects, pitching content ideas, and executing the plan at scale.

Outsource Your Writing to an SEO Agency

SEO content writing is a demanding process. It involves creating high-quality content, creating content consistently, and optimising it for search engines. A great solution is seeking the help of SEO professionals!

Outsourcing your writing to a content-focused SEO agency enables you to obtain expert opinions, authentic content writing, and well-planned content.

These agencies have built their authority in SEO by keeping up-to-date with industry trends, researching sustainable strategies, and showing commitment to solving their client’s needs.

At VeecoTech, we offer a comprehensive Blog Management Package. This package strives to build stronger topical authority and brand awareness for your business, increase organic traffic in the long run, and produce premium quality content with high SEO scores that cater to your target audiences.


We hope this article helped you find your next go-to strategy to increase organic traffic!

If you need assistance in creating content that meet the right content, you’re on the right place!

Our diverse clientele has witnessed remarkable increases in organic traffic, with some experiencing up to a 300% surge through our services 😯


Try our comprehensive Blog Management Package today!


What contributes to organic traffic?

Your website’s ranking on the SERPs contributes to organic traffic. A higher rank on the SERPs leads to greater online visibility and increased organic traffic.

Which strategy will likely yield the most organic traffic?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the best strategy to increase organic traffic in the long run. Case studies have shown that blogs or content uploaded years ago, with regular updates, still appear on the SERPs today.

What is a good organic traffic growth rate?

Between 40% and 60%. However, organic traffic growth rate benchmarks vary according to industry and website size.

What is the difference between paid traffic and organic traffic?

Paid traffic refers to web users visiting the site via advertisements or sponsored listings. Organic traffic refers to users visiting the site by naturally choosing the results on the SERPs.

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About the Author

Meet VeecoTech Team sharing cutting-edge insights on web design, ecommerce, SEO, and mobile apps. We’re passionate about empowering businesses with digital success. Join us on this exciting journey towards online excellence.

2024-08-20T17:07:53+08:00August 7th, 2024|SEO & Online Marketing|

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