7 Growth Hacks for Your E-commerce Websites

7 Growth Hacks for Your E-commerce Websites

Growth hacking your E-commerce websites will greatly improve your business. Growth hacking itself is not an uncommon practice. Growth hacking involves gaining customers and afterwards having to maintain the growth into something sustainable. It requires out of the box thinking to gain customers, retain and engage with them as well as maintain the growth.

Curious how you can growth hacks your e-commerce website? Keep reading!

Giveaways and Contests

Giveaways are frequently used as a marketing tactic in eCommerce to promote interaction between existing and new customers by holding a contest that encourages people to enter for a chance to win a free prize.

Below are the advantages of using giveaways in your e-commerce website:

  • Gain brand and product exposure
  • Grow your social network
  • Cost-effective marketing
  • Liven up your community
  • Generate more leads
  • Boost sales conversion
  • Encourage repeat purchases
  • Increase customer loyalty

example of giveaway

Image source: BHU Foods

Having trouble creating a giveaway for your customer? Here are 5 examples of giveaways you can copy.

Referral Programs

Another great strategy you can use referral programs to boost your eCommerce website and business. Your customers who are satisfied with you products and services can refer your products to their followers on social media.

Having referral and affiliate programs are of no use if your contents are not enticing enough for the customers to want to share. Create contents that are unique and give a lasting impressions which will drive the customers or users to share.

There are 3 type of affiliate programs that you can do:

  • Affiliate Program
  • Customer Referral Programs
  • Partner Programs

Drip email Campaigns

Email is not dead. Although it is not used as how it was originally envisioned, which is to be the main form of communication, it can still be one of the best way to advertise your business.

Drip email campaign is one of the ways to utilize the email service. It is a set automated emails that are sent when triggered by specific actions from the users.

drip email campaign

Image source: Automizy

For that reason, it is also known as behavioral emails. The trigger action of the email may either be when the customers sign up for your services or after making a purchase. Regardless of the trigger, this is one of the methods in which you can advertise your ecommerce.

Retargeting and Remarketing

It’s not impossible for conversion to happen immediately when visitors first use your site but it’s not likely. This is where retargeting and remarketing comes in. You target the customers who have either visited your site or similar sites as well as customers that have made past purchases from you.

Remember that it’s also very likely that you won’t be the only one doing this because it is such an effective way to target your audience. Hence, you must be as unique as possible to stand apart from the rest of the pack.

retargeting process microswift

Image source: Microswift


You might think that most people hate pop-ups. But do you know that pop-ups can increase your conversion rate up to 10%? If you use them strategically, they are your gateway to increased sales.

Here are the 6 benefits of using pop-ups:

  • They quickly grab your visitor’s attention 
  • You have complete control over the pop-ups, whether it is the design, position of pop-ups or ways to trigger the pop-ups
  • Create a sense of urgency
  • Ability to offer complimentary items to up-sell or cross-sell
  • Used it to collect emails
  • They remind your visitor about their cart

example of blog popups

Image source: Unbounce

Use a Solution-focused SEO Headline

A headline is the first thing that both your visitors and search engines see before access to your website. That’s why you want to make sure your page has a great title.

When it comes to an e-commerce website, it is vital to consider SEO factors as they will greatly impact your website, whether it’s positive or negative. Therefore, you shouldn’t forget to implement SEO practices when you are crafting your headlines. 

But how do you know to make sure your title looks great? Follow the tips below to write an SEO title:

  • Aim for 50 to 60 characters
  • Add your keywords in the title
  • Include your brand name
  • Be direct
  • Use suitable modifier (i.e. Best, Top) with number

example of seo title

Image source: Unamo

Include Comparison Guides for Similar Products

Do you feel frustrated when you are researching new products and there are tons of choices?

By providing a comparison guide, you are providing a way for your visitors to easily compare and contrast each product while they come to a purchasing decision.

For instance, SEO Powersuite has provided a comparison chart between its software and SEMrush. This helps the visitor to understand the pros and cons of both SEO tools.

seo powersuite and semrush comparison chart

It’s worth mentioning that such comparison charts can be used to upsell clients who may have started off looking at the basic version of a product but rapidly recognised the advantages of upgrading.

On the other hand, those who were initially hesitant to acquire a more advanced version of a product may be easily persuaded to purchase a less expensive model.

Want to start your e-commerce business? Check out our profile in DesignRush. Contact us for free consultation now!

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Meet VeecoTech Team sharing cutting-edge insights on web design, ecommerce, SEO, and mobile apps. We’re passionate about empowering businesses with digital success. Join us on this exciting journey towards online excellence.

2023-09-14T18:06:13+08:00October 8th, 2021|eCommerce Solutions|

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